Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vacations turn my mind into a wonderland of thrills,
lots of foods to try, sunsets to watch and lots of spills.
I tend to turn attention to everything that is around
and let my senses go to where their pleasure can be found.
We're headed on vacation and I'm ready now to leave,
to see new sights, new smells and sounds my heart will want to cleave.
Flowers growing in a garden, and fresh waves in waters blue
are just some little whimsies that my heart will feel as new.
I'll say it one more time to show I'm really ready for it....
VACATION is the time and my heart's ready to adore it!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What to do next? Do you ever think that you ended up somewhere in life that you never planned for? It could be at your job, where you live, who you are or anything, really. Well, I have. This feeling isn't going away, which means that something obviously has to change. Change isn't always easy for me, and I'm not alone. Woody (my husband) is in the middle of this change with me. He knows that something is changing too and the great thing is...he's with me...we're together! So....what needs to change? Not quite sure yet...but it's brewing. evil laugh takes over...and hopefully it'll be great.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rhymes, Rhymes, rhymes

The struggles that we’re going through won’t be around always,
“This too will pass” is such a line, it applies to all these days.
Though evening darkness seems to cast a shroud that won’t let go,
We stand completely on our Lord, for He’s the strength we know.
Each day will have its worries and the troubles that persist,
If I open up my heart to Christ, His help I can’t resist.

Psalm 31:5 “Into your hands I commit my spirit, redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth.”

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Peace in Prayer

It's been over a week since I've written, so here I sit to write, at night. This weekend was again a trigger for my heart to be open to praying a lot more than I have been lately. The power we find in prayer is amazing...being able to talk to God in our heart with our mind and soul, and without even opening our mouth! Prayer is amazing...

Peace in Prayer

I can’t even fathom the power of prayer.
I pray knowing Jesus is standing there.
He’s listening, and taking each fleeting thought
And filling in words, which my mind would have fought.
Giving them over to God for my plea,
Petitioning each request for me.
Tears fill my eyes, when I think of His plight,
How He gave up His life, His strength and might.
He cleared our sins, our grossness and shame,
So that we can be cleansed by His wonderful name.
By asking, believing, going to Him in prayer,
Knowing He rose again, there is power there!
Trust, have faith and obey His word
And pray, knowing even what’s not said is heard.
He cares for us, and answers our prayers,
And provides for our needs, with mercy He shares.
Peace comes from prayer, so moving and true,
Pray with Him and He will come closer to you.

Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.